Green Lacewing Larvae

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Green Lacewing Larvae

When pests are actively damaging your plants, Green Lacewing Larvae, also known as "Aphid Lions," provide a rapid and effective defense. These predatory larvae target a wide range of soft-bodied pests, including aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, thrips, and whiteflies, delivering immediate pest suppression. Green Lacewing Larvae are ideal for gardens, greenhouses, vineyards, orchards, and other pest-prone environments, making them the frontline choice for managing urgent infestations.

Released larvae immediately begin hunting pest colonies, using their sharp mandibles to inject a paralyzing toxin into their prey before consuming them. Each larva remains in its predatory stage for 2–4 weeks before pupating. After 5–7 days, adults emerge to lay eggs near pest hotspots, creating a self-sustaining cycle of pest suppression. With an optimal temperature range of 60–95°F, Green Lacewing Larvae are highly effective in diverse growing conditions.

Why Choose Green Lacewing Larvae?

  • Target Pests: Aphids, Mealybugs, Spider Mites, Thrips (all life stages), Whiteflies, and other soft-bodied insects.
  • Immediate Action: Larvae feed upon release, rapidly reducing pest populations.
  • Long-Term Benefits: Adult lacewings establish ongoing pest control by laying eggs near pest colonies.
  • Versatile Applications: Suitable for gardens, greenhouses, vineyards, orchards, and other pest-prone areas.

How They Work

  • Lifecycle:
    • Larvae actively hunt pests, injecting a paralyzing toxin before consuming them.
    • They remain in their predatory stage for 2–4 weeks before pupating.
    • After 5–7 days, adults emerge to continue the pest suppression cycle by laying eggs.
  • Rapid Results: Visible pest suppression typically occurs within days of release.

How to Decide How Many You Need

  • Preventative Use: Release 1 larva per sq. ft. bi-weekly for 3–5 cycles to prevent infestations.
  • Active Infestations: Use 1,000–5,000 larvae per acre, weekly or as required, depending on pest density.

Pro Tips for Success

  • Release Immediately: Larvae are cannibalistic and must be dispersed upon arrival to prevent predation on one another.
  • Distribute Evenly: Gently scatter larvae onto infested plants or areas and leave the container nearby to allow any remaining larvae to disperse naturally.
  • Avoid Pesticides: Ensure no pesticide residues are present before and after release to protect larvae.
  • Supplement for Success: Provide additional nutrition with a Good Bug Supplemental Diet to enhance survival and pest suppression.

Storage and Shipping

  • Storage: Introduce larvae to target areas immediately upon arrival. If necessary, store at room temperature for no more than 48 hours.
  • Shipping: Green Lacewing Larvae are shipped overnight to ensure live delivery and immediate effectiveness.